
Írta: ceruza és radír

Give just a pencil and an eraser!

The beginning of the school year is approaching, which means that families, especially those with children starting the first grade, need to buy the necessary school supplies. The list is long, which means expenses that are huge burdens for many families. Without basic school supplies, children begin to fall behind their peers, right from the start of their studies.

The Marom Association and the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union’s (HCLU) team of volunteers have decided to organize a school supplies drive for first graders on small settlements, so that these children can start the school year with equal opportunities. So it won’t depend on a pencil or an eraser that these children grow to love learning and build a stable basis for their lives.

We are counting on you help!

We are both fundraising and collecting school supplies. We are not only collecting new school supplies, but also gently-used backpacks, pencil cases, and anything that could be useful for elementary school children. The children will also need other smaller things such as:

Colored paper
Drawing pads
Watercolor paints
Regular and colored pencils
Oil pastels
Pencil sharpeners
Pencil cases

Please help these children start off the year strong!

We will be collecting at the entrance of the Gödör Club (in Budapest, in Erzsébet square), on August 27th and 28th, as well as September 3rd and 4th 2011, from 3-9 p.m.

Please send any donations to the Marom Association at:

Marom Club Association
Bank account number: IBAN HU76 1091 8001 0000 0051 6286 0006
SWIFT CODE: BACXHUHB (If you are making your payment from a foreign country)

Bank name: Unicredit Bank
Bank address: Szabadság tér 5-6., 1054 Budapest, Hungary

In the comments section, please include: “SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE.”

Thank you!

For more information, see the Marom Club Association’s webpage.

Let’s start school with equal opportunities!

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: english gödör tanszer tasz marom

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