
Írta: ceruza és radír

We collected 20 square meters of school supplies!

Please give just a pencil or an eraser! was the title of our initiative to collect school supplies, which was aimed at helping first graders have equal opportunities when they sit at their desks for the first time. We collected 180 thousand forints, and people donated so much used and new school supplies at our stand at the Gödör Club that it filled a room of 20 square meters. 

The schools that took part in the fundraising and collection were Berzsenyi Dániel Gimnázium, Eötvös József Gimnázium, Lauder Javne Iskola, Városmajori Gimnázium and Karácsony Sándor Rózsatéri Református Általános Iskola. We would like to thank all those who donate, children, parents, teachers, for their help!
We would also like to thank our volunteers for their work:
Haris Eszter, Turán Juli, Dunay Márti, Bernáth Lackó, Török Lili, Gyenge Zsuzsi, Kalocsai Kinga, Kápolnai Zita, Thüringer Barbara, Jáger Krisztina, Molnár Noémi, Dés Julcsi, Tóth Julcsi, Vince Dani, Bodnár Mari, Kövesi Ági.
Thank you to the participants of the OSI Roma Pride Camp, the Gödör Club, the Pozsonyi Pagony and Papirda Kft for their contributions.
The volunteers took the school supplies to the following settlements: Sajóbábony, Lak, Homrogd, Igrici, Farkaslyuk, Sáta, Borsodbóta, Sárospatak and Szomolya.
Please watch our video and photos about the distribution of the school supplies!


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